Monday, December 28, 2009

post-Christmas delivery

Everyone around here has been impatiently awaiting the first snowfall, praying we would have a white Christmas. Well, it did not make it in time for Christmas. But yesterday afternoon, it finally started snowing... and sticking!

I dressed extra warm and grabbed Snoop's leash, a poop bag, and off we went for our nightly walk. I just have to say one word about that walk...

~ H E A V E N L Y ~

Not that I am a huge fan of winter, cuz in February I'll be cursing the stuff, but with the snow came a magical beauty to the neighborhood, a quiet calm, a cozy blanket of white that suddenly brought on some warm and fuzzy feelings that I associate with Christmastime. I was happier than happy, content with the world and my life, at least for this moment, and thankful for all the blessings that surround me, none less exciting than this snow.

Part II - I had the pleasure of sleeping over at Rob's house last night. When I got up at 4am to pee, I looked out his bathroom window onto his one-acre backyard. It was a winter wonderland!! It had snowed a few inches more and it was coming down in big, fat flakes. I was in awe. I climbed back in bed, he stirred, and I said to him, let's go out and play in it!!

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