I like when people tell me good things about myself. I mean people that don't have to. Like people who aren't family members or lovers or best friends. When it comes from someone you're not all that close to, it seems more meaningful, or at least you more likely to believe it's true.
A few years ago a woman at work whose name I didn't even know commented on my smile , saying how pretty it was, as we walked past each other in the hallway. It was as if my smile struck her to the point that she just had to say something. Isn't that cool? I was flattered, and as you see, I still have not forgotten that moment. I think it made me appreciate my smile more after that.
A couple weeks ago while Christie and I were eating dinner, she looked over at me and said Mom, you're pretty. Getting that kind of compliment from your 14-yr old daughter is like a once in a lifetime event. So sweet she is, but still she didn't have to say it. She wasn't buttering me up. But again, it made me happy.
Lately a few people at work have remarked how good I am at certain aspects of my job. What I really liked about that was that I had been feeling unsure about those abilities. Kind of weird that they saw it so much differently than I did. It was a confidence booster.
All this reminds me that when we notice something outstanding, or even good, about a person we should share it with them. Most people probably figure that others already know those things. But we can't assume that they know. Chances are no one has ever said anything, and what a waste that would be.
It's so easy to make someone feel wonderful, for a moment, or even for a lifetime. You never know what people might be needing. It takes so little and gives so much. Just by telling the truth.
The best things in life really are free. I love that!
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