Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hello goodbye hair

I'm getting self-conscious about my hair. In the last 3 months I've had 3 hairstyles and 3 colors. I've had a chin-length bob in my normal light brown with blonde highlights for maybe 4 years. Like many other areas of my life that are undergoing radical change, I decided my hairstyle needed to change too.

I knew I wanted to go blonde overall and get a shorter cut. The shorter cut idea came from Andy who loves the look of a certain actress from the 60s. And I was game for something different. So a couple months ago I went to my hairdresser. She cut the back a lot shorter and dyed my hair a bright blonde--almost platinum.

It was not what I expected, but I didn't dislike it. What I did notice was stronger-than-usual reactions from people. My mother hardly recognized me when she walked in my house. My sister saw me on skype, said 'wow, you're really blonde' and then asked me 'do you like it?' And the people closest to me at work didn't comment much, which I interpret to mean that they didn't like it.

Andy liked it when he saw me on skype. Not sure how fair that was though, cuz my webcam is not very good with color. Anyhow....

Next visit to my hairdresser I had her tone it down a little to a subtler blonde, but had her go super short layers all in the back and take some off the front--kind of like the style in the photo posted at the top. It does kinda look like this (but lighter) which I think is really cute!

However...I am still questioning it. I'm running into people who haven't seen me in a while. Most of them either say, 'hey, you've gone blonde', not 'wow, that looks great', or they don't comment at all.

I noticed that on my last trip to LA Andy took hardly any photos of me where he usually takes lots. And one that he did take he cropped close in on my eyes so my hair wasn't showing. That's when I got really self-conscious. But all along he's telling me how beautiful I am. I do think he would have a hard time giving me any criticism, so I can't fully trust what he says when it comes to my hair.

When Maria saw me a couple weeks ago (first time in months) she said my hair looked nice, but she thought it was too light for me and it makes me look too pale. I think maybe that's the fairest statement I've received. Everyone else seems too scared to tell me what they think.

So, the weirdest thing about all this is that I like my hair. But because I've gotten such lukewarm reactions I'm going to change it back to a dirty blonde again. And maybe grow it longer in the front again. ???

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