Saturday, January 14, 2012

nipple mania

I blog mostly as self-therapy, sometimes as a creative outlet, and sometimes to document my feelings and thoughts. I've never really done it for the purpose of pleasing others or to solicit a following. But in the last 2 months I have observed the most interesting pattern.

My stats have gone out of control since November as a result of one particular post. It seems there's a growing interest in Sensitive Nipples. Men's nipples, that is. I have been getting hits galore, mainly due to the image I posted, I think. Hey, it's worthy! That is one hot chest.

The subject matter of men's sensitive nipples still excites me. They're like a sexual toy and I enjoy practicing my skill for maximum effect. I've experimented with my guys by stimulating them with my fingers, tongue and lips, even by rubbing my own nipples against theirs. I found that each guy likes it a different way. Hey, there's nothing wrong with variety!

I say that any woman (or man for that matter) who's lucky enough to find a guy with sensitive nipples has herself a powerful weapon. Knowing how to wield your power will make you absolutely indispensable! So, experiment away...

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