Dear Andy,
I wanted to tell you about a dream I had last night. It was so vivid.
It took place in the house where my ex and I lived. He and I were separated but still living there together. We were getting along one day so we were going to have a little party. He was in the kitchen cooking. Our neighbors dropped by and I invited them in. I remember seeing a couple big steaks go in a pan and asking them if they ever had the chipotle steak from the corner deli.
Out came the wine. I got drunk. Next thing I knew you and I were in my bedroom, it was kind of dark. I was wearing my ruffly black skirt and I had thick black hair with lots of different colored streaks in it. (??) You brought me something to taste --some foamy stuff. I didnt know what it was and you said, here, I'll show you.
I was on my knees and you were standing above me, you squeezed your cock and all this white foamy stuff oozed out, some got in my eye, and then ran down my cheek. We heard my ex coming up the stairs and before he opened the door, you slipped into the bathroom. I ran into the other bathroom.
I remember trying to brush my hair cuz it was completely messed up. I was also trying to untangle my panties and get them back on. Then he walked in all suspicious, and I was trying to play it cool. He held up my charm bracelet in front of my face (i dont even have one) and asked me whats this? It turned out that I admitted I was with you, he sort of conceded and that's where the dream ended.
Sorry, I dont think we got any steak...I love you!
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