I'm a big fan of dreaming. I've always been fascinated by them, mine or others'. You may have noticed it's one conversation that people get really excited about.
I have found over the years that I rarely dream about the man I am with. But I will dream about one from my past (or future?). Lately I've been having a bunch of dreams about my ex (Jeff), most likely because he's been causing me grief lately. Those dreams can be pleasant (dreams where we're getting along and things are 'resolved' between us) or downright scary (he's either threatening me or we are having sex--ewwww).
I would much rather dream about Andy, especially about having sex with him, since we are so far apart! Well, strangely enough, Andy crept into my dreams this week.
At first he just existed in the background, kind of matter of fact. But by the 3rd night this week he was naked! And in the same room with us was Rob, also naked. I think we had been throwing around the idea of the 3 of us sleeping together.
I recall Rob was calm, but excited about it. Andy looked disturbed and wanted to go to sleep. And I was apprehensive because of Andy's reaction, not wanting anyone to be upset. All I remember after that point was lying behind Andy (like we do in bed) and I had my hand resting on his ass.
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