Thursday, February 24, 2011

let there be light

I've had great difficulty finding any good news to write about lately. I seem to have a lot of challenges in my life right now and I don't want to get all whiny on my blog. So, I've been kind of quiet.

But it's probably these times when I need to write the most. Soon I will touch on a couple challenges I've recently conquered, but for now I'll share with you something that's clearly! (yeah, haven't been able to say that in a while)

After almost 6 years having an office on 'the lower level' (aka the basement), my office has been moved to the ground floor of another building. Not only that, but finally I am sharing with the person I work most closely with. AND we have a beautiful corner office with large windows on 2 sides that overlook a green area, along with high ceilings, fresh paint and carpet. I feel like I've moved to paradise. Oh, correction, this is not quite paradise.

Anyway, I'm really enjoying it.This is our first week in the new office and we both feel a huge change in our disposition. Cannot get over how much light we have! We barely need the fluorescent overheads. I've had to shut my blinds tight because the sunshine was practically blinding me. I thought how cool would it be if I had to wear my sunglasses at work?! This after years of having no clue what the weather was from the moment I went in the office at 8:15 till I came out at 5. Some winter days I never even saw daylight. How grim is that?!

The new surroundings will be a fab way to endure the last few months at this job. Also I had my annual review. Basically my boss said that there is no room for improvement in my current position; I am at the top of my game. She encouraged me to learn SEO and Google adword buying, and if I do, and if I like it, then she will promote me to a management position. That was encouraging, and long overdue. Great news. But I'm still moving to California!

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