Yes, the oft dreaded high school reunion came up this week, my 30th no less! While some avoid these grown up versions of show and tell like the plague, I wouldn't miss them for the world. I guess I don't share any of the reasons why others fear them--got too fat, went bald, was a loner in high school, never amounted to anything or passed away. I must not be doing too bad 30 years later.
I've been to my 10th, my 20th and now my 30th. The one thing I've seen hold true in all of them is that the people get nicer. Everyone is friendlier...even if it was someone you never talked to in high school, this seems to be a good time to strike up a conversation. If you didn't have anything in common then, you probably do now. You probably both have kids, and you're probably both divorced!
Also, I found that in general, the guys don't age nearly as well as the girls do. But that's ok. They're usually cooler and more comfortable in their own skin than they were as teenagers. That is attractive. And then there are some that had it then and still have it now. Like Ed.
I always thought Ed was cute though he was a little on the dumb side for me. He was a friend of a boyfriend, so we never had a thing. But we spent quite a while talking at the reunion. It was the way he looked in his t-shirt and jeans that attracted me. I liked his blond hair too. We talked about being single parents of teenagers and how life is changing fast now. I thought he was pretty cute still. Then he lit up a cigarette and I found a reason to excuse myself. Not that it was going anywhere, but he did look dang hot in that t-shirt.
Later I was talking to a guy named Rich. His buddy, another Rich, walked up and interrupted our conversation. I said hi Rich. So Rich #2 says hey, now we got 2 Dicks and a Dinamo. Nothing more needed be said. I laughed, turned around and ran away. Not exactly the kind of Dicks I'm after. But it was a damn good line!
The most intense moment of the night came when I met up with Graham. I used to have a crush on him in French class. He lives in AZ now, very close to Cam (the love of my life). He flew in just for the reunion. Graham was very interesting to talk to. Then the topic moved to Cam.
I filled Graham in a bit on what had transpired between Cam and me a few years ago. I think he understood the intensity of what I'd gone through and, as a sort of consolation, he said that Cam isn't married yet. I guess he was thinking that it wasn't too late. Well, it probably is. But I felt the emotion that has been wrapped up so tight for the last couple years sort of seeping through. Somehow I managed to quell it. Graham insisted on taking a picture of me and said he was going to show Can next time he saw him. At the moment it seemed like fun, but later I wondered if I'd just done something stupid.
I went off to listen to the band on my own when my old friend Melissa walked up to me and gave me the warmest hug of the night. My evil twin she said, I have thought about you so often. Remember the trouble we used to get into in art class? Of course I do! She was so sweet and I'm happy to see her still looking so happy...and wasted. Some things don't change!
People have been very kind to me at these reunions. They always tell me I haven't aged a bit. And I am really grateful for that. They hug a lot more, listen better, and seem very sincere in sharing their life stories. I like that. I love when people are real. That night was a trip, but definitely a trip worth taking ...every 10 years.
I went off to listen to the band on my own when my old friend Melissa walked up to me and gave me the warmest hug of the night. My evil twin she said, I have thought about you so often. Remember the trouble we used to get into in art class? Of course I do! She was so sweet and I'm happy to see her still looking so happy...and wasted. Some things don't change!
People have been very kind to me at these reunions. They always tell me I haven't aged a bit. And I am really grateful for that. They hug a lot more, listen better, and seem very sincere in sharing their life stories. I like that. I love when people are real. That night was a trip, but definitely a trip worth taking ...every 10 years.
1 comment:
I guess this kind of the reunion stuff is unusual here in Greece, but...........hey just a moment! there is a bright exception!
Our ministers of finances with the monkey businessmen! ha ha ha ha :O
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