Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jonny obsessed

Three months ago I heard that Jonny Lang would be coming to town. I decided I would take my daughter Christie, 15, who is totally Jonas-obsessed. It's not that I wanted to break her of this habit, I just wanted to introduce her to some reeeeeaaaaal guitar. It's what any good mom who grew up on rock n roll would do. And should do! ;)

Jonny has been top of mind over the last 10 years whenever people ask me who my favorite musician is. Not that I'm crazy about his gospel stuff, but his early stuff is just friggin incredible. And to think he was capable of such musical genius from age 15 blows my mind. Plus he's so sweet. A face any mother could love (you don't buy that for a minute, do you).

The closer the concert date came I thought Christie would invent excuses why she couldn't go with me. But much to my surprise she didn't. It'll be a good mother daughter bonding experience she said, half joking. But of course we'd have to listen to Jonas Brothers all the way there.

So we finally got to see Jonny play. And we had the time of our lives. I think it tops my list for fun times so far this year!

It was priceless to see Christie's face when I grabbed her arm and proceeded to plow to the front of the crowd to get close to Jonny. We stood just right of stage in front of the wall of speakers (ouch) and could literally feel the bass blowing the hairs of my arm. But what I really loved was that she was close enough to see and feel Jonny's passion as he played. She turned to me and said OMG he's so good. He's like, better than Nick Jonas!

By the end of the concert Christie was in love. (Insert proud mama smile here.) As the band left the stage we decided to intercept them on their way back to the bus. I darted about 6' over to the barrier and waited for Jonny to approach...then, in slow mo, just like a dream, the stars in the rock n roll universe aligned and my hand met jonny's firm right shoulder. He had a beaming smile on his face and I just shouted Jonny you were great! It was a pretty exciting wet-your-panties kind of moment but I managed to stay dry.

I turned around to look for Christie who'd lost track of me when I got lost in my Jonny moment. She's like Mom, where did you go?!?! And I heard myself say I TOUCHED HIM.

I eventually got a hold of myself. But even on the drive home I'd suddenly remember the moment of contact and it would hit me all over again. Did I mention that Christie wanted to listen to Jonny Lang all the way home?

I done good tonight. C:


Anonymous said...

I think i love you :)

DinamoTalks said...

well, that's tres interesting. what would make you say that? and if you love me, why don't you follow? haha...