Sunday, August 8, 2010

i like...

the way my feet look when my toenails are freshly painted

listening to the rain while lying in bed

rumpled sheets to remind me of the night before

sex in the afternoon



nuts, especially the texture

Andy's sense of humor

chipmunks and pandas

how ambitious, smart and capable I feel when I've had a cup of coffee

doing random things for people that make them happy

the smell of Rob's laundry

the energy I feel at a concert

getting extra money

my dentist, my naturopath and my family doctor!

my new car

Snoop's velvety ears

a great bottle of shiraz

willow trees

photo shoots

my Santorini fantasies

how my sister makes me laugh so hard I could wet my pants

having my space and silence



when people show genuine interest in me

learning new stuff


waking up refreshed

living with Christie

a good movie

a good book


looking 10 years younger than I am

being different from everyone else

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