Today I saw someone so beautiful I was kind of stunned by my reaction. I was attending an event at work, and since I was 'on duty' more or less, I was standing at the back of a large room of people who were all watching a demonstration.
Suddenly I heard someone struggling to open the door behind me which I had discovered earlier was kind of 'sticky'. So I proceeded to open it for them. Well, no sooner did I open it when I was face to face (literally) with a most angelic woman.
I was taken aback slightly by her beauty, then realized I recognized that face, and found the sense to greet her. I had seen her before on TV and on book covers, and knew she was an attractive woman, but I'd always figured she was enhanced by photoshop/makeup/whatever. Nope.
As she entered the room she was immediately recognized by the one doing the demonstration. She was acknowledged and asked to come up on stage, and I admit I couldn't help but watch her every move.
I was glued to her, noticing her perfect figure, her porcelain-like skin and deep brown eyes, the way she walked, the clothes she wore, the way she pulled her blonde hair back and pinned it up, even the soft wisps of blonde that fell on the nape of her neck. For a moment I imagined kissing that spot on the back of her neck.
I thought, holy shit, that woman is sexy! I was sort of shocked at my attraction to her. Later I realized that her persona is everything I've been trying to be for the last 30 years. That is how I wanted to appear to others. A woman of utter elegance, poise, physical beauty, knowledge, and well-liked.
I have no immediate plans to give up my love and lust for the opposite sex. But I'll tell ya, if I was going to venture to the other side, I'd love to start with someone like her. She looked good enough to eat!