Tuesday, September 1, 2009

surprise phone sex

Well, well, well. I have a little confession to make. I, Dinamo, succumbed to phone sex last night. August has been a most pleasant month and has ended with a bang! And it was not with Rob, my boyfriend of almost 3 years. We have sex anytime we want cuz he only lives down the street. It was with Andy, my new interest who lives on the west coast.

I really don't know how it happened (yes, everyone says that in the guilt stage). Well, I guess it didn't help that Andy & I were having a fun online chat that turned flirtatious. Before you know it he called me. It was after 11pm and I should have been asleep already, but I had an entertaining diversion.

I was greeted by his voice which was extra low and raspy from days of breathing smoke from the wildfires burning out there. He sounded great and I was sleepy. He just started talking about how he wished he could lie down next to me and touch me. When I closed my eyes, I felt him here with me.

It was all very smooth and easy at first. Then he pulled out the big guns, so to speak. He must have been extremely pent up sexually, cuz he went straight for the dirty. I don't have a problem with dirty, but when I'm just getting to know someone, I like to go very slow and savor every moment of discovery. Heck, you can only do that once!

Although it was a touch racy for me, I went with it for the sake of his pleasure. It was fast and hot and a bit mind-blowing. I didn't get off, nor did I intend to. I suppose it was a sympathy session. But when we finally hung up, I thought what the hell happened??!!?

The fact that I let the late night incident occur means I have some straightening out to do with my current relationship. It is time to tell Rob that need to I follow my dream. It won't be easy, but I need to feel right about what I'm doing and be honest about what I want. It's just not happening longterm with him.


nothing said...

out of booredom i found ur blog today,,,,and found it intreting,,and i think u should leave rob and look for someone who wants a future with you..if u wanted a ring that is..

DinamoTalks said...

welcome to my blog. happy to have your comments. yeah, rob does want a future with me, i'm just tired of waiting for him to get excited about it. and that tells me a lot.