Wednesday, September 1, 2010

10 shocking facts about LA

  1. There are no mosquitos. I also saw no flies, bees or creepy crawlies. And very few squirrels.
  2. It's kind of cold if you're not in the sun. I am not used to low or no humidity. Especially this summer where it's been upwards of 80% humidity out east.
  3. Marijuana is legal (with a Dr's prescription for 'stress') and can be obtained through the local Walgreen's...WHAAA? The green cross can be found almost anywhere in LA.
  4. Food in the grocery stores is cheap!
  5. Honking seems to be commuters' favorite way to communicate, like a secret language or something.
  6. There are so many beautiful areas in what they call 'Los Angeles', and they're all so spectacular in their own right.
  7. LAX lacks good food.
  8. No smog at the end of August? I never would have believed it.
  9. Celebrities are a lot shorter and smaller in person.
  10. California is claimed to be falling in the ocean only because it is getting so heavy from all the people who visit there and love it so much that they cannot leave.


Anonymous said...

Marijuana against stress :) i liked that! ha ha ha ha ha! but i guess it's more preferable to tranquilizers, it's a natural product anyway :)

DinamoTalks said...

I don't have a problem with legalizing it. If people can drink alcohol, they should be able to smoke pot. The Walgreen's thing blew me away though!