Friday, November 14, 2008

the larger the glass

...the better the wine tastes.

Friday night is typically 'laundry and whiskey night'. The peeps at work know this about me. Off I go at 5:00, heading home to an empty house (my girls almost always have plans Friday night). It's my chance to both relax and get a head start on the weekend. I rarely see Rob on Friday nights. This night is mine.

Laundry is my main focus Friday evenings. Pitiful, yes, but I make it a much sweeter job by sipping a glass (or 2) of whiskey. No mixer, no rocks, just a slow trickle to tickle me, taste by taste.

But tonight I've traded my whiskey for wine. Shiraz. In a very large glass. Ample room for swirling and playing with the ruby red potion. A good red wine needs space to breathe and the freedom to dance in the glass. Kind of! I am rewarded by its fragrant full body as it subtly leads me to a gentler place, warming me from the inside out.

I surrender my worries and pent up frustrations from the week. The wine clears my slate and makes life easy again. Life is good.

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