Saturday, July 18, 2009

black crowes - the endurance test

Unless you're a die hard Black Crowes fan, don't go see them in concert. At least this year. Although the band sounded tight, and certainly showed off their talent, they cared little about pleasing the crowd. They played for almost 2 hours before doing one of their many, many hits. I found it pretty self-indulgent. (See how many concert tickets they sell in the future once word gets out.)

As much as I like guitar, there were just too many tunes that went off onto long tangents. I felt like I was watching a private jam session. One guy in the crowd yelled out Play something we fuckin know! which was pretty rude, but it spoke for the rest of us.

I must say that all those long-winded guitar riffs and drum solos left us pretty hungry and impatient. So by the time they did Jealous Again it sounded awesome. Next was Remedy which sent me flying. It had been exhausting waiting for the stuff we had all come to hear.

After finally hearing the tunes I loved, I couldn't wait to leave. I wasn't left with the typical post-concert high (sans artificial substances). I didn't even want to listen to Black Crowes on the way home. And that's a drag. In my opinion, a real missed opportunity for the Crowes.

The Black Crowes in concert: one thumb up, one big fat thumb down.

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