Friday, October 10, 2008

Birth of a Blog

Wow. It really did only take 5 minutes to give birth to my first blog. If only childbirth had been so simple. Or maybe a good thing it wasn't. Or I'd have kids coming out of my ears. Gives a whole new meaning to 'prolific writer'.

People say I'm a good writer. I think I am. I've been called "the wordsmith", "the word lady", "queen of words". I do love words. Written, spoken, sung. Words move me. And I have an affinity for writing. It sure beats speaking. Words once spoken can rarely be erased. At best they can be edited, feels more like back pedalling sometimes. Time is on my side when I write and that's why, in general, I'd rather write than speak when trying to express myself. Does anyone feel like me? Are we just scaredy cats?

I've always desired to be understood. Maybe it was an attempt at understanding myself that made me journal obsessively from age 16 to almost 40. I finally kicked the habit because I was driving myself so hard to do it that I stopped getting anything out of it. To this day, though, I find it pretty cool that every day of my life from 16 to 30-something is documented on paper. And between you and me, those were some pretty juicy years.

So I'm back to it. Can I do it without being borderline OCD? Will I get something out of it? I'd like to hear your thoughts about my thoughts. And this seems like a good place to start. Welcome to my rebirth.

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