Tuesday, May 4, 2010

super night at the supermarket

During tonight's trip to the grocery store I got more than I bargained for. The amazing specials that filled my cart paled in comparison to the reactions I got as I ran into not one, but two, old friends! (No, I wasn't dressed like this, but isn't it a great pic? I just had to use it!)

The first one, Brett, was an old business partner from a previous life whom I hadn't seen for about 4 years. Last time I saw him was at the party of a mutual friend. It was an awkward moment. As soon as I had finished bubbling over about my newfound freedom (from my dreadful marriage) and asked how Annie (his wife) was, he announced that they had recently separated. Ugggghh. What the hell do you say after that?? I had quietly slipped into the other room...

Well, that moment was long gone today as he was all smiles, proud to say that he'd just had a few beers in order to be able to stomach the chore of grocery shopping. He did a lot of laughing as he told me what he's been up to and then invited me to look him up on facebook. Looks like I've gained a new (old) friend.

No sooner did I end that reunion when I ran into an old neighbor in the next aisle. He had lived 3 doors down from me when I was married and raising the girls. Our daughters used to play together until his bit mine....hard. We didn't talk about that. Anyway, I hadn't really chatted with him since my ex and I had split. It was nice to see that he was still friendly. You never know what judgments people make when a couple that they've been friends with splits up.

It was nice to get such a warm greeting from both those old acquaintances. I guess it makes me feel validated, and accepted.

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