Monday, May 10, 2010

always a bridesmaid

It happened again. One of the girls in the office came in to work all peachy this morning, chatting about the house that she and her boyfriend put an offer on. It was only a year ago that I had to hear about them moving in together. And a month ago about how they bought a motorcycle together.

Every time I hear stories in the office about relationships moving forward I get envious, and sad. I think 'why can't this happen to me?' I feel like I've been waiting for so long.

With Rob there were so many reasons why we had to take it slow. Look where that got him. Andy moved into my life and dropped hints about giving me his last name on that first night we got together. Reeled me in, hook, line and sinker. But he does live 2000 miles away. Our relationship is moving forward but these things take time...

In the meantime I miss him. I miss living in the same house with the man who loves me. I miss being a family, taking care of my partner, and him taking care of me. I miss having someone to lean on, a man to kill spiders in the house of girls, to pump the gas and open jars for me.

It's time. Time for a man to join in this family.


B said...

I am glad you have come to a concrete establishment of what you need. :) It's been a long road, as I have followed, but now you have it figured out. ;)

DinamoTalks said...

well, today anyway ;)