Monday, July 19, 2010

alone time

Sometimes I just like to be alone. No men. No children. No relatives. No dog. Just me in my house for a whoooole day.

I like to putter, to rummage through boxes. I have a box with all my diaries in it from age 16 to age 40ish. I could spend a week leafing through those. But I don't.

I like to get my house clean and have no one else there to mess it up. I love to get stuff done that I never have time to get to otherwise.

I like to play board games by myself. I've played Life with all 8 cars, and Risk with all the colors--is it 6? This makes me feel like a nutcase but I don't really care.

I like to get as much stuff accomplished in a day as possible. That is anal, but it surely drives me and makes me feel good at the end of the day.

I like to get into my most comfortable clothes and lounge in my bedroom. Sometimes I read, sometimes I look at the tv (but rarely find something worth watching). Sometimes I get to go to bed early!

No man is an island, and certainly no woman is either, especially me. I'm just's a relief to do what you want once in a while without regard for anyone else.

1 comment:

Bretthead said...

I find myself living in contradictory ways. This is one of them - I don't like to be alone and yet I'm constantly seeking quality alone time. I never seem to have it. Sometimes I just escape to the mountains for a few hours and come back totally refreshed - and ready to hang out with people!