Monday, October 18, 2010

last cold winter

The days are chilly, and sunny if we're lucky. Darkness comes earlier every day. The nights are downright cold, and so is my bed.

I've made my choice and now have one man I call my partner. Content as I am with my decision, I find my bed is much too empty. Andy arrives early next month for another visit and I want him like I've never wanted him before. I just may devour him on the first night.

Not only do I need him sexually, but I need him emotionally too. I need to refuel our connection in person in order to build my momentum. It's going to be a long winter flying solo, and I need all the help I can get. Lots to do to get ready for the big move next year. I need my energy to get through what I see as the final challenge. Just get me through this winter and I'm home free.

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