Saturday, March 13, 2010

bitch se$$ion

I'm taking financial hits from all angles these days. All these friggin reminders that I need to make a big decision or two. F U C K !

No surprise that the company I work for overlooked me once again at my annual review. For the 5th year in a row I got a perfect, glowing review and what does that amount to? A whopping 1.1% increase across the board...for all staff. It's never based on performance, or added responsibilities. I made significantly more money 20 years ago. Fuck it. They don't deserve me.

My car is ill. It's a 2002, and it has treated me well up until lately. Since last summer I've been pumping dollars into it, and now there are signs I have a worn head gasket. Now I am shopping around to see what I can afford. Ugh.

Not to mention that both my car insurance and my house insurance have gone up a ridiculous amount this year! WTF??!!

Everything seems to cost more and I am making less. I am watching my account balance slowly dwindle. I'm tired of scrimping and denying myself of things I want and some things I need. I should be further ahead at this point in my life. And it's bothering me. Gotta do something about it soon.

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