I wish I could combine the traits of all the men I've known. I would start with the ability to love unconditionally--and that I would find in Cam, Rob or Andy.
Then I'd add in Rob's level-headedness, his spiritual beliefs that pretty much mirror mine, his physical fitness, his penis, his butt, his abs and shoulders, his back, his sexual finesse, his love for touching and caressing me endlessly, his openness and willingness to listen and express himself, his financial stability and his ability to solve problems and fix just about anything. I also like our history, and that we started as friends first, and have invested so much in our relationship.
My history with Cam is also to be treasured. He was my (original) soulmate. What I valued most about Cam was his ability to stimulate my mind and emotion. I loved how philosophical and deep he was. I feel I could be emotionally healed by someone like that. He would make me dig down inside myself and figure out what I was made of. I would take his beautiful blue eyes--my favoritest eyes ever! I was also attracted to his love for and knowledge of music. He is also an awesome father, absolutely adored by his son. I love that. And his need to take care of me. He was a very nurturing, caring person.
Franco's voice was the sexiest ever. He could have made a million dollars selling phone sex, or really anything to women over the phone. His charisma was over the top awesome. I also loved his creativity. He was a great flirt and a very adoring gentleman with a face that exemplified love.
Andy's face also speaks love every time he looks at me. I will take the adoration he has for me!! He has the best lips as well as being the best kisser ever--hands down. I love his creative energy, his talent, his affinity for words, especially the romantic ones that touch a tender chord in any woman who ever wanted to be loved. I love the story of how he became an artist, the world he currently lives in and how he's about to make it big. All that potential and the thought of being a part of that exciting time in his life/our lives. I love Andy's sense of humor. I love how unjaded he is about love and his complete openness to giving me whatever I want and need, even if it's a vital organ. How he has offered his life to me right from the beginning. I can be myself with him and feel accepted. We burp freely with each other! I love how he fits comfortably in my world, and in my family. And he's so comfy to sleep with. No snoring!! He treats his mother and brothers very well. I admire his personality and his work. I am proud to be seen with him.
What about my ex-husband Jeff...? He does have good qualities. I would take his sense of responsibility and desire to protect his family. I would also like my man to have Jeff's cooking skills. That he is the father of my children would be nice to transfer to someone else, but unfortunately not possible.
Lee. Lee has a really nice stature. Tall, curly dirty blond hair, nicely built. Bonus. He's a good father to his teenage daughter, something I admire very much. And fairly charity-minded and worldly. I like that too.
Hmmm...am I done building the perfect guy yet?
1 comment:
a beautiful Frankenstein!
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