Friday, May 6, 2011

meltdown ahead

I'm having a hard time writing these days. I'm out of Dinamode, and right into planning mode, just running a marathon towards the big move to LA. Basically, I'm driving myself really hard all day and there's not an ounce of energy or creativity left by night.

I can handle this for awhile longer, then I shall collapse into my lover's arms and take a good long break. At least that's the intent. Good planning always pays off, so I'm sure this will be worth the effort.

So, I'm afraid I'll be way too boring and that's why I haven't been writing much. I depend on my emotions to fuel the blog. And I really haven't been allowing my emotions to come through. I feel I can't afford to right now. Once I'm done packing and such, I may allow myself a minor meltdown. For now I have to indulge the workaholic in me.

1 comment:

Bretthead said...

I've been a bad blog reader and commenter, but it sounds like I haven't missed much over here!! You have a nice payoff for all the stress. Hang in there!