Sunday, October 25, 2009

totally wacked out Jonas freak sweetie pie

In one word, Christie.

I am thoroughly delighted by my 14 year old daughter's obsession with the Jonas Brothers. Christie is an emotionally stable, beautiful, smart and outgoing high school girl, so this is merely the icing on the cake of her life. She would beg to differ, of course. To her, the Jonas Bros are everything, not to mention her reason for living.

I can't say I have ever been so insanely crazy about a famous person(s) as she is, but I can really appreciate the benefits of it. It truly brings her joy. All I have to do is say Jonas and she lights up.

She loves their music and I don't mind it at all...though she wishes I would not sing along. If I had a dime for every time the word Jonas has been spoken in my house I would be one wealthy chick.

Last Friday I told her that the boys of her dreams had stayed at a hotel near us. She screamed and laughed and cried and carried on for over half an hour in such an excited LOUD tone I had to tell her to calm down because the neighbors would get scared. Then finally she took a breath and said wow, I scare myself. To which I laughed, but what else is new when I live with such an entertainer as Christie.

She is determined to meet them someday and actually feels it will happen soon. I wholeheartedly support this dream as I know from experience that it is a real possibility. Especially when you want something that much, the intense emotion draws it towards you.

Christie fills my life with joy and I would love to fill hers with a little more Jonas if that's what makes her happy. I'll certainly do what I can to bring on the Jonas.

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