Thursday, February 18, 2010


A great poet once wrote:
the only way to really know a city is to get lost in it.

That's fair, but can the same be said for love?

I say yes. If you truly want to know the depths of love, you must throw caution to the wind and dive right in. Let yourself freefall into the unknown. Let it envelop you and permeate you. Leave all fear behind and let the love form who you are.

Rob came to me last night. Here's a man who has all the reason in the world to fear loving me. I have already voiced my wishes to experience something other than what he can give me. He knows I love somebody else. He also knows I will likely leave the area in the coming year. But instead of focusing on his fear of losing me in the future, he is choosing to love me in the present.

This takes an incredible amount of faith, and love. In fact, I'd call it unconditional love. It's something I thought I'd never get from Rob.

We were making love. It was very passionate and emotional. At one point he looked into my eyes and said I am just falling into you. I told him please do, I'll hold you. He broke down and wept as he reached climax. He spilled into me emotionally, physically and spiritually.

God was watching, and smiling, as His children loved each other.

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